Many of us forget who we really are. Within these pages are links to videos, encouraging quotes and inspirational words from Masters to help you on your journey back to greatness.
Every now and then we could all do with a little helping hand
On this page is a selection of videos from inspiring teachers, masters, lightworkers and healers. We have found that seeing and listening to high vibration work is the best way to keep our own vibration high.
This page contains words from some of our most respected Masters. Let the words settle, inspire and encourage you to greater things. You can hear God through the words of his/her messengers....
"A calm sea never made a skillful mariner."
"You can't soar with the eagles if you surround yourself with turkeys"
"We don't see things the way they are, we see things the way we are" Anais Nin
Words are how we express our thoughts, and describe our belief, and are extremely powerful. That is why it is called Spelling - words are spells.
They have the power to define our reality, our individual maps of the world, shape our futures - for good or bad - not only our own, but the very fabric of the Universe...
We can all use a bit of support and knowledge from those who have broken through barriers and climbed mountains of magic.
Deborah & Ioannis have a weekly chat about belief and other topics. They come from totally different pasts and their journeys couldn't be more different. It's a fascinating contrast. Don't Miss It!
There are many fabulous teachers offering more understanding about our path out of 3D to the 5D. We haven't done all these courses so aren't endorsing any, but only have links to those we trust.
Discover magical ways to build your pipeline to abundance. Business Mentor for Healers and Lightworkers - In the Chaos of the 3D world building a business that assists in helping mankind heal and move forward into a world of blissings and abundance is key.
© remembeingiamandtheascendedmasters 2022