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Words From The Masters

Many of us forget who we really are. Within these pages are links to videos, encouraging quotes and inspirational words from Masters to help you on your journey back to greatness.

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Peter Mt. Shasta Remembering I Am Remembering I Am and the Ascended Masters Ascended Masters I Am Presence I Am that I Am I Am Deborah I AM

Peter Mt. Shasta

Peter Mt. Shasta was given his name by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, who appeared before him in physical form in Muir Woods, California, in 1973. He was offered the opportunity to ascend, but after Saint Germain showed him the suffering of humanity he chose to stay in embodiment to be of service. As a result of that decision he was sent to Mount Shasta, where he was trained for several years by Pearl Dorris, former director of the I AM Sanctuary of San Francisco, and assistant to Godfre Ray King, founder of the Saint Germain Foundation and author of Unveiled Mysteries. Except for various travels and retreats, he has continued to live in Mount Shasta. He is the author of many books, some autobiographical, which teach how to use I AM Affirmations to bring the teachings of the Ascended Masters into fruition in daily life. Recently his focus has been to bring the meditative teachings of the Far East into union with the I AM consciousness.

More About Peter Mt. Shasta

Goddess of Mercy: Quan Yin

Dear children, I have so much wanted to talk to you for so long. I have so much Love for you all that I wish that I could take you in my arms. O, to show you the Beauty and let you feel the Joy, the tranquil Peace that passeth all human understanding, of the Ascended State. For you see, here one is free of all earthly cares. Growth goes on, however; growth always goes on. Growth is the eternal attribute of all life. When something ceases to grow, it is no longer in phase, no longer in harmony with life, and so life begins to leave it behind. The Light becomes dimmer and dimmer until that thing or condition that no longer grows no longer has sufficient Light to sustain it—and it ceases to exist. Though, that need not be. Ah, how many tears man would be saved if he would realize that; for you see, even though we would give you chance after chance to learn, to benefit from your experience, if you refuse to see that in all your experience is a lesson, a Divine Plan for your growth and well being, well, then there is nothing that we can do for you; for you are Masters of your own fates and we cannot interfere with the choices that you make.

Excerpt from: I AM The Open Door. by Peter Mt. Shasta

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Nevilla Goddard Remembering I Am Remembering I Am and the Ascended Masters Ascended Masters I Am Presence I Am that I Am I Am Deborah I AM

Neville Goddard

Barbados born Neville Goddard was by many accounts the last century’s most intellectually substantive and charismatic purveyor of the philosophy generally called New Thought. He wrote more than ten books under the solitary pen name Neville, and was a popular speaker on metaphysical themes from the late 1930s until his death in 1972. He often signed his name, "Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled."

More About Neville Goddard

Ester Hicks

Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker, channeler, and author. She has co-written nine books with her late husband Jerry Hicks, presented numerous workshops on the law of attraction with Abraham-Hicks Publications and appeared in the original version of the 2006 film The Secret. She has an enormous following and conducted many highly subscribed educational cruises. Her often said mantra is, "A belief is just a thought you keep thinking."

More About Ester Hicks

Every being is always receiving that which is a vibrational match to whatever they are offering - Ester Hicks 

Pearl Dorris

Pearl had a rural upbringing in the wide-open spaces of the Rocky Mountains, but an ear infection robbed her of her hearing and like many great people spent more time 'inside' where her amazing skills to commune with the Ascended Masters developed. She was guided to a number of moves (and a couple of husbands) but found her haven in Mt Shasta where she taught many aspirants including Peter Mt Shasta. Pearl has been an inspiration to many, and has mixed with some of the most influential people in the world.

More About Pearl Dorris

Desire, Decision, Discipline. Discipline the Flame that fans the Decision - ArchAngel Gabriel 

Remembering I Am Remembering I Am and the Ascended Masters Ascended Masters I Am Presence I Am that I Am I Am Deborah I AM


Buddhism is a non-theistic religion (no belief in a creator god), which is also considered a philosophy and a moral discipline originating in India in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE. It was founded by the sage Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha l. c. 563 - c. 483 BCE) who, according to legend, had been a Hindu prince.

Siddhartha lived a sheltered life as a noble with his wife and family but once he became aware of human suffering he sought a way of easing people's pain. He pursued strict spiritual disciplines to become an enlightened being who taught others the means by which they could escape samsara, the cycle of suffering, rebirth, and death.

Buddhism's central vision can be summed up in four verses from one of its central sacred texts, the Dhammapada:

Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draw it.

Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves. (I.1-2)

From desire comes grief, from desire comes fear; one who is free from desire knows neither grief nor fear.

Attachment to objects of desire brings grief, attachment to objects of desire brings fear; one who is free of attachment knows neither grief nor fear. (XVI.212-213)

From The World History.org

The Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters, known in the East as Bodhisattvas, were once human beings on the Earth. Through spiritual practice over many lifetimes they purified their egos and raised their vibrational frequency into a higher dimension, from where they now assist humanity. They hear every thought directed toward them, and respond accordingly in the manner they deem appropriate.

For more information see "Who are the Masters," in the Appendix of Apprentice to the Masters: Adventures of a Western Mystic, Book ll, by Peter Mt. Shasta.  In this classic book the author tells of his training and real life experience with these Masters.

Ascended Master is a term probably coined by Baird T. Spalding around 1924, popularized by Godfre Ray King in the 1930s. The process of consciously dissolving the physical form is well known in Tibet as jalus. At this time the human soul, the Higher Mental Body, merges with the Rainbow Body, the I AM Presence, or in Sanskrit, atman.

As per the website www.i-am-teachings.com and the book Master Lady Pearl by Peter Mt. Shasta.